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Salame Cotto, an original, delicate and spiced Italian salami.

Salume Cotto is an original, delicate and spiced Italian salami made by cooking Zeffirino salami in bain-marie.
It is perfect in the summer as it should be served cold.

Its aroma is inviting, delicate and spicy all at the same time.
Its flavour is quite unique, it has just right amount of salt and distinctive notes of garlic and peppercorns.

It is light on the outside, thanks to the natural pork casing, and when sliced, it is pink like ham.

Salume Cotto is an original, delicate and spiced Italian salami made by cooking Zeffirino salami in bain-marie.
It is perfect in the summer as it should be served cold.

Its aroma is inviting, delicate and spicy all at the same time.
Its flavour is quite unique, it has just right amount of salt and distinctive notes of garlic and peppercorns.

It is light on the outside, thanks to the natural pork casing, and when sliced, it is pink like ham.

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